Đề luyện ôn thi Tiếng Anh công chức thuế năm 2020 (Tiếp)

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Nội dung text: Đề luyện ôn thi Tiếng Anh công chức thuế năm 2020 (Tiếp)

  1. England has had a democracy for a long time. Until 1918, however, women were not allowed (106) in it. The right to vote is called ‘suffrage’ and the English women who fought (107) and won that right were called “suffragettes”. The suffragette movement was led by Emmiline Pankhurst. In 1903, she (108) .an organization called the Women’s Social and Politica Union (WSPU). Members of the WSPU went to the Prime Minister to (109) suffrage, but he told them to “be patient”. The suffragettes were not (110) They wanted change immediately. The fight for the vote for women became (111) and sometimes violent. In 1908, two suffragettes (112) themselves to the fence outside the Prime Minister's front door! They were arrested and spent weeks in jail. In 1912, hundreds of women (113) the streets of London. They broke shop windows and even threw Stones (114) the Prime Minister’s house. Thousands of suffragettes were (115) for this and similar actions over the years. World War I (1914-1918) proved to be an important (116) for the women’s movement. Women contributed so much to the war effort as nurses', factory workers, and at other jobs that more people became convinced of their right to vote. Women were (117) given that right in January, 1918. 106. A. to vote B. for vote C. in voting D. vote 107. A. with B. for C. against D. to 108. A. did B. made C. founded D. found 109. A. demand B. ask C. want D. raise 110. A. satisfaction B. satisfactory C. satisfy D. satisfied
  2. 111. A. intensive B. intense C. intend D. intention 112. A. trained B.changed C. chained D. charged 113. A. took to B. took in C. took up D. took over 114. A. onto B. on C. over D. at 115. A. jail B. jailed C. jailing D. on jail 116. A. eventual B. even C. event D. eventually 117. A. finally B. final C. initial D. initially A recent study shows that an unequal share of household chores is still the norm in many households, (106) the fact that many more women now have jobs. In a survey of 1,256 people (107) between 18 and 65, men said they contributed an average of 37 per cent of the total housework, while the women (108) their share to be nearly double that, at 70 per cent. This ratio was not affected by (109) the woman was working or not. When they were asked what they thought was a fair division of labour, women with jobs felt that housework should (110) shared equally between male and female partners. Women who did not work outside the home were satisfied to perform 80 per cent - the majority of housework - if their husbands did the (111) Research has shown that if levels increase beyond these percentages, women become unhappy and anxious, and feel they are (112) After marriage, a woman is reported to increase her household workload (113) 14 hours per week, but for men (114) amount is just 90 minutes. So the division of labour becomes unbalanced, (115) the man’s share increases much less than the woman’s. It is the inequality and (116) of respect, not the actual number of hours. which leads to (117) and depression. The research even (118) housework as thankless and unfulfilling.
  3. 106. A. in spite B. despite C. although D. even 107. A. aged B. aging C. age D. ages 108. A. guessed B. judged C. estimated D. valued 109. A. what B. whether C. which D. that 110. A. being B. been C. to be D. be 111. A. remaining B. remain C. remainder D. remained 112. A. essential B. slight C. worthy D. unimportant 113. A. by B. to C. at D. in 114. A. a B. an C. the D. some 115. A. as B. so C. but D. then 116. A. waste B. loss C. disadvantage D. death
  4. 117. A. anxiety B. anxious C. anxiously D. anxiousness 118. A. draws B. expresses C. reports D. describes 16. My mother told me to do the yesterday but I forgot about it since I had much homework to finish. A. wash-up B. laundry C. childcare D. exercises 17. the rubbish in the early morning is a part of my daily routine. A. Taking out B. Coming out C. Pulling out D. Bringing out 18. My wife is going on her business next week so I have to most of the chores around the house. A. distribute B. hold C. take D. handle 19. Mr. Hoang found it difficult to be in charge of the household A. financial B. financially C. finances D. financier
  5. 20. is a person who works at home and takes care of the house and family. A. Breadwinner B. Homemaker C. Servant D. Houseman 21. When his wife gave birth to a baby boy, Mr. Nam became the sole A. housemaid B. housekeeper C. father D. breadwinner 22. My mother and I often go to the supermarket to shop for at weekends. A. cook B. groceries C. heavy lifting D. the chores 23. After eating dinner, I have to do the and then do my homework every day. A. washing-up B. wash-up C. washing-ups D. washings-up 24. Her husband is very kind. He always cares her and never puts all of the housework her. A. about - in B. for - in C. about - on D. with - on 25. To Hoa, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always sets a good for her.
  6. A. role B. behaviour C. example D. action 26. We take in doing the washing-up, cleaning the floor and watering the flowers. A. turn B. out C. around D. turns 27. Most people will receive benefits when sharing the housework in their family. A. enormously B. enormity C. enormous D. strong 28. Like his mother, Viet is a child who can talk openly to anyone. A. social B. sociable C. generous D. critical 29. After marriage, Mrs. Hoa always keeps good with her mother-in-law. A. association B. relation C. friendship D. relationship 30. In many countries, divorces to rise because of long-standing conflicts. A. tend B. have C. aim D. encourage 11. The controller of the body is the system. Led by the brain and nerves, it allows us to move, talk and feel emotions.
  7. A. circulatory B. digestive C. nervous D. respiratory 12. system of the body lets us break down the food we eat and turn it into energy. A. Circulatory B. Digestive C. Nervous D. Respiratory 13. Skeletal system of the body is made up of our It supports our body and protects our organs. A. bones B. museles C. nerves D. vessels 14. In under a minute, your can pump blood to bring oxygen and nutrients to every cell in your body. A. brain B. heart C. lungs D. vessels 15. The human system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. A. circulatory B. digestive C. nervous D. respiratory 16. A healthy between work and play ensures that everyone has a chance to enjoy their lives.
  8. A. balance B. control C. equality D. share 17. He likes to a nap for an hour when he arrives home from work. A. do B. get C. make D. take 18. I’ve been a night owl up late for years, hitting the sheets anytime between 12 and 3 a.m. A. finishing B. getting C. staying D. waking 19. It’s not too late to your bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating, etc.) and immediately start living a happier, healthier life. A. get rid B. give on C. kick D. remember 20. If people breathe in deeply, their can expand to twice their normal size. A. hearts B. kidneys C. lungs D. stomachs 21. Some foods and spices may your breath for days after a meal. A. damage B. harm C. reduce D. spoil
  9. 22. Fish, poultry, beans or nuts half of their dinner plate. A. make of B. make out C. make up D. make up of 23. It’s another name for the backbone. It is A. brain B. leg C. pump D. spine 24. Ailments are caused by a/an of yin and yang. A. abnormal B. imbalance C. unequal D. unfairness 25. Yoga increases endurance, and flexibility. A. blood B. powerful C. strength D. strong 26. Food and drinks which strongly the body can cause stress. A. boost B. develop C. encourage D. stimulate 27. As per the study, handful of nuts daily can cut people’s of coronary heart disease and cancer by nearly 22 per cent. A. chance B. luck C. opportunity D. risk
  10. 28. Acupuncture modality relies on sophisticated skills to select appropriate acupoints to needles accurately. A. infuse B. inject C. insert D. install 11. We’re best friends as we have a interest in music. A. passion B. passionately C. passionless D. passionate 12. My teacher assigned us a writing task about of our favorite singers. A. biology B. biography C. biodiversity D. biochemist 13. We find out that beat box has very popular recently. A. came B. turned C. become D. became 14. Lina, the album of the new music band in our city, will be uploaded on the website next week. I’m looking forward to listening to it. A. debut B. only C. best-selling D. individual 15. The cheered loudly when the singers came out on the stage.
  11. A. audience B. spectator C. public D. watcher 16. Our performance was to be the best one in this competition last night. A. cheered B. appeared C. judged D. seen 17. The local celebrities joined hands to a fund-raising campaign for charity. A. solve B. conserve C. come up D. launch 18. He practically a comic style called stand-up comedy in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience. A. realised B. invented C. distributed D. thought 19. No longer did Pokémon Go become the widespread in Viet Nam. A. effect B. phenomenon C. invention D. news 20. That the young talented pianist won the Pulitzer Prizes has attracted attention. A. worldwide B. scientific C. undue D. careful
  12. 21. I like the cover of these songs more than the originals. A. songs B. lyrics C. rhythm D. versions 22. Vietnamese music is extremely diverse, including Quan Ho, Dan Ca, Ca Tru, Chau Van and others. A. country B. folk C. traditional D. gospel 23. After many weeks, his solo album a profound influence on the youth all over the country. A. remains B. maintains C. becomes D. persuades 24. They had a global hit with their album concept about “The dark side of the Moon”. A. top B. song C. smash D. popular 25. I passionately love the show “Familiar Faces” and this is the 4th I’ve seen. A. show B. chapter C. season D. episode 26. The “Marching song” was adopted as the national of Viet Nam in 1945.
  13. A. anthem B. song C. flag D. identity 27. Chopin was considered to be one of the greatest Romantic piano of the 19th century. A. singers B. writers C. composers D. poets 28. This concert marks nine years since the death of Trinh Cong Son, a prominent of modern Vietnamese music. A. comedian B. actor C. contributor D. figure 29. Our band needs to our nerves to perform in this music competition. A. control B. conquer C. calm D. lose 30. The best singer went to Alan Walker for “Faded”. A. rank B. prize C. reward D. award 11. Luckily, I got some advice on how to make a presentation on ‘For a better community’ from my class teacher. A. useless B. useful C. usefulness D. uselessness
  14. 12. These children encounter many problems and really need our help. A. disadvantaged B. advantaged C. disadvantage D. advantage 13. Fundraising for charity is a thing for everyone to do to help the community. A. meant B. meaningful C. meaningless D. meaning 14. They were so about joining the local volunteer group that they couldn’t sleep last night. A. excite B. excitement C. exciting D. excited 15. It is that all the students in class 1OA choose to do a project on ‘Helping the needy’. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprisingly 16. Volunteers become well of the problems facing the world. A. aware B. concerned C. helpful D. interested 17. English teaching is considered a good example of a volunteer job which often turns a career.
  15. A. off B. up C. on D. into 18. Mahatma Gandhi fought for the rights of coloured people in general and the Indians A. in time B. in particular C. in contrast D. in fact 19. A/an is a person who needs others to take care of him/her, because of illness that he/she had for a long time. A. patient B. martyr C. invalid D. addict 20. Mr. Chen is more because he has finally agreed to allow his daughter to join an overseas volunteer organisation in Africa. A. single-minded B. narrow-minded C. absent-minded D. open-minded 21. Most of the students in that special school are making good progress, but Michael is a case. A. hopefully B. hopeless C. hopeful D. hopelessly 22. A lot of generous businessmen have valuable contributions to helping needy people.
  16. A. done B. taken C. made D. given 23. Poor students cannot an abundance of presents on their birthday. A. look forward to B. put up with C. come up w ith D. cut down on 24. Befriending can offer volunteers the opportunity to provide support and friendship to a person who may be going a difficult period. A. up B. on C . off D. through 25. Volunteer organisations are generally small-staffed, so they need to lots of volunteers for a huge event. A. employ B. recruit C. research D. catch 26. You’d better a commitment to being a volunteer on a regular basis. A. promise B. do C. make D. pull 27. They visit a retirement home and time doing fun activities with the elderly who lack immediate family.
  17. A. spend B. lose C. waste D. consume 28. Both community and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it. A. life B. language C. performance D. service 29. being the CEO of Microsoft, Bill Gates is also one of the world’s greatest philanthropists. A. Aside from B. But for C. Except for D. In addition 30. Their massive salaries let them afford to give huge amounts to charities. A. off B. up C. away D. hack 31. When you get involved in a volunteer project, you are able to your knowledge into practice. A. take B. put C. bring D. push 32. Volunteers can work with many children who were harmed by Agent Orange in childcare centres. A. parentless B. disabled C. poor D. homeless
  18. 33. Both CARE and Oxfam organisations have programmes to help people in underdeveloped countries their lives. A. make B. risk C. improve D. start 34. Many international volunteer organisations are trying to find a to the problem of world hunger. A. way B. method C. suggestion D. solution 35. For a cleaner and greener community, everyone should the amount of trash and take care of our environment. A. increase B. reduce C. contribute D. ignore 36. Thanks to everyone's efforts, we can do to make school a meaningful place for students living in poverty. A. a great many B. a little C. a great deal D. a few 37. On the door of the house where Louis Braille was born are the words ‘He opened the door of to all those who cannot see.’ A. knowledge B. information C. news D. material
  19. 38. University students are willing to get involved in helping the old and people. A. childlike B. childish C. children D. childless 39. Contact is connecting students with volunteer organisations abroad. A. in place of B. in charge of C. in case of D. in danger of 40. Football superstar David Beckham has a huge for kids in need. A. head B. strength C. memory D. heat Rock began in the USA in the early 1950s. At that time 'rhythm and blues’ music was very (106) with black Americans. ‘R&B’ was a mixture (107) black religious music and jazz. It had strong rhythms that you could dance to and simple, fast music. (108) the success of R&B music, white musicians started to copy the same style. By the mid 1950s, (109) new while R&B music, called 'rock ‘n’ roll’ had become very popular. Singers like Elvis Presley and Bill Haley (110) millions of teenage fans. Their music was fast and loud. Many older people thought that rock ‘n’ roll was very (111) By the early 1960s, even rock ‘n’ roll had become old-fashioned. Many of the songs had begun to sound the (112) It was at that time that a new eroup from England became popular: The Beatles. The Beatles first started (113 ) singing American style songs, but they soon developed their own style, with more (114) melodies. They also introduced different instruments, (115) as the Indian sitar. Groups like The Beatles had a very important influence (116) the style of popular music. By the (117) 1970s, rock ‘n’ roll had developed
  20. into a new form of music. Electronics had (118) the amplified guitars and drums of rock ‘n’ roll. Rock had arrived. 106. A. accepted B. popular C. common D. famous 107. A. to B. with C. of D. by 108. A. Noticing B. Detecting C. Warning D. Perceiving 109. A. those B. its C. their D. this 110. A. attached B. attacked C. attracted D. attained 111. A. dangerous B. endangered C. dangerously D. in danger 112. A. equal B. same C. corresponding D. twin 113. A. to B. at C. with D. by 114. A. complicated B. complicate C. complicating D. complication 115. A. same B. such C. like D. so 116. A. in B. for C. to D. on
  21. 117. A. early B. opening C. first D. advance 118. A. switched B. returned C. replaced D. changed A YEAR WITH OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERS I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about 500 kilometres from the capital N'Djamena. Coming from a (119) country, I got quite a shock, as conditions were much harder than I had expected. But after a lew days I got used to (120) there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and I soon began to appreciate how beautiful the countiyside was. One of my jobs was to supply the village (121) water. The well was a long walk away, and the women used to spend a long time every day (122) heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted the organisation and arranged to have some pipes delivered. (123) these pipes were not really perfect, they still made a great difference to the villagers. All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not paid, it was well worth doing and I would recommend it to anyone (124) was considering working for a charity. 119. A. rich B. comfortable C. well-paid D. luxurious 120. A. lived B. living C. lived D. lively 121. A. for B. on C. with D. from
  22. 122. A. carrying B. wearing C. holding D. drinking 123. A. If B. Because C. When D. Although 124. A. which B. when C. where D. who MOTHER TERESA Mother Teresa was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to (125) the poor. Considered one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century, she was officially recognised as Saint Teresa of Calcutta in 2016. Born in 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, Mother Teresa taught in India (126) 17 years before in 1946 she experienced her “call within a call" to (127) herself to caring for the sick and poor. (128) Teresa enjoyed teaching at the school, she was increasingly upset by the poverty surrounding her in Calcutta: the Bengal famine of 1943 and the outbreak of Hindu/Muslim violence in August 1946. Her order established a nursing home; centres for (129) blind, aged, and disabled; and a leper colony. In 1979 she (130) the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. She died in September 1997 and was beatified in October 2003. 125. A. help B. helped C. helping D. helpful 126. A. for B. since C. after D. from 127. A. allow B. devote C. encourage D. spend 128. A. After B. Until C. Although D. Because
  23. 129. A. a B. the C. these D. those 130. A. received B. recognized C. awarded D. presented 11. Smartphone can be a great learning but you need to think of how to use it effectively. A. benefit B. choice C. invention D. tool 12. It is convenient for you to read when you travel. A. e-books B. laptops C. online game D. smartphones 13. Many young people carry a pair of earbuds as they are small, light, and A. chargeable B. economical C. portable D. transferable 14. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to time while doing housework. A. kill B. save C. spend D. waste 15. Velcro has gradually become a familiar for shoes, jackets, and even spacesuits.
  24. A. button B. fastener C. locker D. zipper 16. Most smartphones now flash player as well as voice and video calls. A. display B. offer C. provide D. support 17. Many students prefer assignments on their laptops to writing traditionally. A. reading B. searching C. sending D. typing 18. Mobile devices such as laptops or digital cameras can be charged by A. solar charges B. solar-charges C. solar chargers D. solar-chargers 19. We can surf the to search for news, watch films, or download music. A. e-book B. internet C. laptop D. smartphone 20. In many classrooms, teachers use chalk to write on the A. blackboards B. black boards C. whiteboards D. white boards 21. You can send and receive e-mails from a
  25. A. charger B. printer C. smartphone D. USB 22. The ,which can travel underwater, is very useful for scientists to learn about the undersea world. A. aeroplane B. electronic car C. spaceship D. submarine 23. Like Vietnamese, Thai people also depend water for their crops. A. against B. for C. in D. on 24. In 1999, the king’s Chaipattana Aerator obtained Thai for his rain-making techniques. A. certificates B. charters C. licenses D. patents 25. Paddle-wheel machine helps to clean the wastewater before it for farming. A. rearranging B. recycling C. reducing D. reusing 26. You can get access the Interne, via a range of devices such as desktop or laptop computers, mobile phones, and tablets. A. for B. in C. of D. to
  26. 27. Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, James Watt are among of the greatest of all time. A. inventions B. inventiveness C. inventors D. invents 28. noodles are a precooked and usually dried block invented by Japanese. A. Instantaneous B. Instance C. Instant D. Instantly 29. It is definitely true that nature has inspired inventions and technologies. A. numbers B. numeral C. numerical D. numerous 30. Smartphones are used not only for communication but also for information and A. entertain B. entertainer C. entertaining D. entertainment 31. People often use the natural world as inspiration to design and invent new A. producers B. produces C. productions D. products 32. Internet and social networks help us easily interact people all over the world.
  27. A. in B. of C. on D. with 33. Users can look locations as well as directions to different places on Google Maps. A. down B. for C. in D. up 34. The two fabrics of Velcro stick together thanks the hooks on the surface and the loops on the other. A. by B. for C. of D. to 35. If you get a laptop as a reward, what w ill you use it ? A. by B. for C. to D. with 36. Scientists have invented artificially intelligent computer systems of answering questions posed in natural language. A. able B. aware C. capable D. fond 11. In some Asian countries, the groom and bride their wedding rings in front of the altar. A. change B. exchange C. give D. take
  28. 12. In Scotland, the bride’s mother may invite the wedding guests to her house to off all the wedding gifts. A. show B. turn C. put D. get 13. On the wedding day, the best man is expected to help the A. bride B. groom C. guest D. bridesmaid 14. In the past, the and engagement ceremonies took place one or two years before the wedding. A. propose B. proposing C. proposal D. proposed 15. Superstitions an important part in the lives of many people in Viet Nam. A. take B. act C. occupy D. play 16. Viet Nam has kept a variety of superstitious about daily activities. A. believe B. believing C. beliefs D. believable 17. Traditionally, most Vietnamese people never the floor during the first three days of the New Year.
  29. A. sweep B. paint C. polish D. resurface 18. Viet Nam is a country situated in Asia, where many mysteries and legends A. origin B. originate C. original D. originally 19. The British usually pay a lot of to good table manners and are expected to use knives, forks and spoons properly. A. money B. care C. attention D. compliment 20. In the U.S, children can choose their own partners even if their parents object their choice. A. to B. for C. against D. with 21. In the UK, 18-year-olds tend to receive a silver key as a present to their entry into the adult world. A. symbol B. symbolic C. symbolize D. symbolist 22. In Australia, on Mother’s Day, the second Sunday in May, children prepare and their mothers ‘breakfast in bed’. A. cook B. serve C. display D. present
  30. 23. People in Mexico Mother's Day on May 10 by giving their mothers handmade gifts, flowers, clothing and household appliances. A. open B. memorize C. celebrate D. perform 24. In Viet Nam, you shouldn’t at somebody’s house on the lst day of the New Year unless you have been invited by the house owner. A. show up B. get up C. put up D. go up 25. The newly-weds will fly to Venice to spend their tomorrow. A. vacation B. honeymoon C. holiday D. marriage 26. After the wedding ceremony at the church, they go to the hotel for the wedding A. cake B. ring C. day D. reception 27. The bride and groom cut the wedding cake and speeches. A. prepared B. wrote C. heard D. made 28. Some Koreans believe that it’s impolite to eye contact with a person who has a high position.
  31. A. maintain B. lose C. show D. put 29. Brazilians often each other’s arms, hands or shoulders during a conversation. A. lend B. shake C. touch D. move 30. American people are very informal at home, so they often their hands to eat some kinds of food. A. use B. lend C. wash D. shake 31. Egypt is a traditional country, and it has many customs that are different the U.S. A. of B. from C. to D. for 32. English people believe that it is unlucky to open an umbrella in the house,which will bring to the person who has opened it. A. loss B. misfortune C. success D. truth 33. Superstition suggests that you'll get seven years of bad luck if you a mirror. A. break B. buy C. borrow D. see
  32. 34. In the UK, seven is usually regarded the luckiest number while thirteen is the opposite. A. as B. like C. with D. for 35. Polite behavior in one country, however, may be in another part of the world. A. formal B. informal C. impolite D. appropriate 36. In Germany, it is important to arrive time when you are invited to someone's house. A. in B. after C. before D. on 37. Learning about cultural differences in politeness helps you avoid a lot of A. embarrass B. embarrassment C. embarrassed D. embarrassing 38. On many days of the year, Vietnamese people not only the table for meals, but they also put food on the altar for their ancestors. A. lay B. lie C. book D. clear 39. The woman you are engaged to is your
  33. A. fiancé B. bridesmaid C. match-maker D. fiancée 40. At the church ceremony, the couple have to make their wedding A. vows B. invitations C. flowers D. cakes 66. People in Western countries are often surprised to learn that Japanese celebrate Christinas. A. Ø - Ø B. the - the C. the - Ø D. Ø - the 67. In Japan, most important holiday of season is New Year’s Day, which comes one week after Christmas. A. the - the B. Ø – the C. the – Ø D. the – a 68. In India, in the old days, girl’s family used to give boy’s family a gift like money or jewellery. A. a – a B. a – the C. the – a D. the – the 69. It is appropriate to bring small gift when visiting home in the U.S. A. the - a B. a – a C. a – the D. the – the
  34. 70. Traditionally, bride and groom go on their honeymoon immediately after wedding reception. A. a - the B. the – a C. the – the D. a – a 71. Whenever I set out for examination, I always try to avoid crossing path of woman. A. an – the - a B. an – a – the C. an – the – the D. the – the – a 72. In a wedding ceremony, best man helps groom ready for every preparation. A. the – a B. a – the C. the – the D. a – a 73. People say that gift lets recipient know how we are thinking of them. A. the - the B. a – a C. the – a D. a – the 74. Wearing a wedding veil which covers head and face is 2,000-years-old tradition. A. a - the B. the - a C. the - the D. a - a
  35. 75. In the U.S, while represents goodness and is usually color of bride’s wedding dress. A. a – a B. a – the C. the – a D. the – the 76. Is is acceptable to touch person on shoulder in a conversation? A. a - the B. the – the C. the – a D. a – a 77. man should take off his hat when he goes into house in the UK. A. A – the B. A – a C. The – a D. The – the 78. W hen you stay at friend's house, you should write thank-you note. A. a - a B. the - a C. a - the D. the - the 79. Christmas Eve is best time for Japanese youngsters to go out for special, romantic evening. A. a - a B. the - a C. the – the D. a - the 80. Japanese manage not to ask direct questions in order not to embarrass person who they are speaking with.
  36. A. A - the B. A - a C. The - the D. The – a CULTURE SHOCK Many people dream of living in a foreign country. It can be an amazing experience for those (119) are willing to settle down in a new place. (120) , there’s one potential problem you should be aware of: culture shock. Culture shock is the feeling we get from living in a place that is so different to where we grew up that we are not sure (121) to deal with it. Societies are (122) in many different ways. Customs and traditions can be very different and that can sometimes make it difficult to get on with local people who might not approve (123) things you do and might object to things you say. You might be banned from doing things in another country that are perfectly legal in your own. For example, in Singapore people can be forced to (124) a large fine just for dropping rubbish. Eventually, though, most people who live abroad fall in love with their adopted country and learn to accept its differences. 119. A. who B. which C. what D. whose 120. A. Therefore B. However C. Although D. Moreover 121. A. what B. when C. how D. why 122. A. organize B. organizing C. organization D. organized 123. A. of B. with C. on D. off 124. A. spend B. waste C. pay D. borrow