Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 1

docx 7 trang Viên Minh 15/07/2023 6800
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Nội dung text: Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 1

  1. Câu 1: I want to be a practising doctor but now I’m more interested in research. A. was used to B. used tocorrect C. would Câu 2: I finished my essay yesterday but . it in to the tutor yet. A. I’ve given B. I haven’t givencorrect C. I didn’t give Câu 3: When I arrived the lecture soI didn’t find it easy to follow. A. started B. had startedcorrect C. had been starting Câu 4: They personal computers when my father was a student. A. hadn’t B. didn’t havecorrect C. weren’t having Câu 5: She well at school but that changed when she became friends with a different group of girls. A. did B. had done
  2. C. had been doing Câu 6: . i the doctor at 2.00 this afternoon so I can’t go to the lecture. A. I’m seeingcorrect B. I see C. I will see Câu 7: The teacher us how to do the experiment when the fire bell rang. A. showed B. shown C. was showing Câu 8: Most university students on campus in their first year. A. lives B. livecorrect C. are living Câu 9: Nina was very because she got lots of present A. interesting B. lovely C. happy Câu 10: She some friends to her house for a party. A. decided
  3. B. agreed C. invited Câu 11: Her mother made a big chocolate with ‘Happy Birthday’ on the top. A. meal B. cake C. dish Câu 12: Nina and her friends had a great time, singing and dancing and to their favourite music. A. listening B. hearing C. looking Câu 13: When they had to go, everybody Nina and her mother for the party. A. said B. thanked C. told Câu 14: From this graph we can see that theeconomy at the moment. A. improves B. improve C. is improving Câu 15: They personal computerswhen my father was a student.
  4. A. hadn’t B. didn’t have C. weren’t having Câu 16: I want to be a practisingdoctor but now I’m more interested in research. A. was used to B. used to C. would Câu 17: The teacher us how to do theexperiment when the fire bell rang. A. showed B. shown C. was showing Câu 18: I finished my essay yesterday but . it in to the tutor yet. A. I’ve given B. I haven’t given C. I didn’t give Câu 19: the experiment three timesnow with different results each time! A. We’ve done B. We did C. We’ve been doing Câu 20: When I arrived the lecture so I didn’t find it easy to follow.
  5. A. started B. had started C. had been starting Câu 21: She well at school but thatchanged when she became friends witha different group of girls. A. did B. had done C. had been doing Câu 22: . the doctor at 2.00 thisafternoon so I can’t go to the lecture. A. I’m seeing B. I see. C. I will see Câu 23: My sister economics andpolitics when she goes to university. A. is going to study B. studies C. will study Câu 24: While we’re working on the project ourboss on a beach in Greece! A. will sit B. will have sat C. will be sitting
  6. Câu 25: If the trend continues, the averageincome by 107% by 2020. A. will increase B. will have increased C. will be increasing Câu 26: You can base your geographyassignment on country – itdoesn’t matter which. A. a B. some C. any Câu 27: There aren’t places left onthe course so you’d better apply soon. A. much B. many C. lots of Câu 28: I don’t know whether to accept the joboffer. It’s A. a difficult decision B. the difficult decision C. difficult decision Câu 29: For those of you new to the company, this leaflet is full of A. a valuable information B. the valuable information
  7. C. valuable information Câu 30: The manager interviewed candidates in turn. A. each of the B. each C. every