Tài liệu tham khảo, ôn tập Tiếng Anh - Bậc 1: Khung năng lực ngoại ngữ Việt Nam

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Nội dung text: Tài liệu tham khảo, ôn tập Tiếng Anh - Bậc 1: Khung năng lực ngoại ngữ Việt Nam

  1. PHẦN 2: TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO, ÔN TẬP TIẾNG ANH BẬC 1 – KHUNG NĂNG LỰC NGOẠI NGỮ VIỆT NAM PART 1. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. Mary: What’s your name? Kelly: A. Really? B. OK. C. Pardon? D. Forgive me. 2. “What the weather today?” - “It’s cold and cloudy.” A. both/ and B. is/ for C. is/ like D. all/ so 3. There is a big picture .the wall. A. at B. in C. on D. up 4. Turn off all the lights before the office. A. coming B. going C. returning D. leaving 5. “This book is so that I don’t want to stop reading it!” A. interesting B. bored C. boring D. interested 6. .do you go home? – Once a month. A. How often B. How long C. When D. How 7. Do you think it soon? A. rains B. is going to rain C. raining D. has rained 8. We have known him .a long time. A. since B. from C. ago D. for 9. Is her school the park? A. in front of B. next C. in front to D. near to 10. “Can I help you? - . A. At two o’clock. B. I can’t help you. C. No, I don’t. D. Yes, please. 11. She’s been a teacher 2012. A. for B. since C. just D. ever 12. Are these books ? A. yours’ or John’s B. your or John’s C. your’s or John’s D. yours or John’s 13. I 1
  2. A. stay often in bed late on Sundays. B. often stay on Sundays late in bed. C. often stay in bed late on Sundays. D. stay often late in bed on Sundays. 14. He put some biscuits and an apple in a bag for his A. meat B. lunch C. dish D. fish 15. An Nhon people are very A. friendly B. useless C. expensive D. long 16. When did you arrive? - A. Tomorrow B. Next Sunday C. Yesterday D. In two days 17. Would you mind the door? A. to open B. opening C. open D. opens 18. My son doesn’t like parties because he’s very A. nice B. kind C. shy D. happy 19. .do you go home? – Once a month. A. How often B. How long C. When D. How 20. What are you doing December 25th? A. in B. on C. at D. into 21. How long here ? A. has he worked B. is he working C. did he work D. does he work 22. Do you mind the window? A. to open B. opening C. open D. opens 23. My shirt is than hers. A. as cheap B. cheaper C. more cheap D. cheapest 24. Mary: How are you? Susan: . A. I am twenty. B. I’m twenty years. C. by bus. D. Fine. 25. If my father the lottery, he will give most to his children. A. wins B. won C. will win D. had won 26. What is the place you stand and wait for a train? A. where B. when C. which D. what 27. Lan studies Thu. A. more hardly than B. so harder than C. hardlier than D. harder than 2
  3. 28. It’s time for lunch. - A. Oh, good . B. One hour . C. Half past twelve. D. Beef, please 29. My aunt Louise sings . A. good B. well C. terrible D. nice 30. Tom is very good playing chess. A. in B. at C. to D. of 31. Tom: How do you do? Daisy: A. I’m fine. B. OK. C. How do you do? D. And you? 32. Your father was always busy with his teaching, .? A. isn’t he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. was he 33. My aunt Louise sings . A. good B. well C. terrible D. nice 34. If I had time, I .how to play the guitar. A. will learn B. would learn C. would have learned D. would learned 35. The teacher asked me .back as soon as possible. A. come B. came C. coming D. to come 36. It is very dangerous .with a knife. A. to play B. plays C. playing D. played 37. If my sister ill, I wouldn’t be able to go on the camping trip. A. is B. was C. did D. were 38. .any wine left? A. Is it B. Is there C. Has there D. Is 39. It isn’t easy .for a job at my age. A. start looking B. to start looking C. starting to look D. starting looking 40. They . have a party tonight. A. is B. am C. are going to D. is going to 41. Have you ever gone abroad? – No, A. I never B. I haven’t C. I have D. I have ever 42. We .an English exercise. 3
  4. A. are doing B. have done C. did D. all are correct 43. Would you like some coffee? - A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I like C. Yes, I’d like D. Yes, please 44. Look! The sun in the West. A. set B. setting C. sets D. is setting 45. John: Would you like a drink? Daisy: . A. I don’t like coffee. B. I prefer coffee. C. Coffee is my favourite. D. Coffee, please. 46. Nina was very because she got lots of presents. A. interesting B. lovely C. happy D. tired 47. She some friends to the house for a party. A. decided B. agreed C. invited D. said 48. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, “You .go out tonight.” A. may B. have to C. must D. ought to 49. If I .you, I stop smoking. A. am B. are C. was D. were 50. the baby cry a lot last night? A. Is B. Was C. Did D. Were 51. My parents didn’t want me a singer. A. to become B. become C. becoming D. to becoming 52. My father is .man. A. a old B. an old C. not young D. not very young 53. I’m tired. I’d like . A. sit down B. sitting down C. to sit down D. to sitting down 54. “When were you born? ” - “I was born May” A. in B. on C. at D. after 55. Mr. Baker breakfast at the moment. A. have B. are having C. has D. is having 56. She thinks she her mother very well. A. has known B. knows C. knew D. know 4
  5. 57. He told us he could the ladder in five minutes. A. repaired B. repairing C. repair D. have repaired 58. “Are you tired today?” - “Yes, ” A. I do B. I am C. I don’t D. I am not 59. When do you study? - A. At school B. In the evening C. In the library D. At home 60. What do you do? A. I’m fine. B. I’m a driver. C. I am playing chess. D. I go to school 61. Would you like to come to our house for my son’s birthday? A. to come B. come C. coming D. A&C 62. They are interested reading book although they don’t have time. A. on B. of C. at D. in 63. When I saw her, she in the pavement with . a black man. A. was sitting - a B. sitting – a C. was sitting-the D. sat-a 64. John a text message for his brother because he wants to come back home late. A. sends B. leaves C. take D. have 65. Their grandfather a serious illness. A. has B. is C. take D. get 66. They are on guitar. A. keen- play B. good – play C. keen - playing D. good - playing 67. The girls love receives flowers on Valentine. A. in B. on C. at D. of 68. John really enjoys listening to music it helps him relax. A. although B. to C. in order to D. because 69. We are about fashion. A. fun B. crazy C. like D. interested 70. We met that man we were driving to work. A. near B. next C. because D. when 71. James never lets me her books. A. to borrow B. borrow C. borrowing D. borrowed 5
  6. 72. We arrived the station just in time to catch the train. A. to B. for C. at D. in 73. I would not have gone away if you . A. came B. coming C. to come D. had come 74. How long did it to type this letter? A. want B. need C. take D. require 75. I’ve known him I was on holiday in Thailand. A. since B. during C. until D. when 76. He was born Tuesday, March 15, at midnight. A. on B. in C. at D. by 77. do you go to bed ? A. When B. What time C. How D. A and B are correct. 78. He worked than his brother. A. more careful B. carefully C. more carefully D. very carefully 79. She sings better than anybody else in this group A. does B. don' t C. do D. sing 80. She 's very old. She needs someone to look her. A. for B. after C. at D.by 81. are on the table ? - Dick' s. A. What books B. Which books C. How books D. Whose books 82. did you go to the library? - To get a book. A. Why B. How C. When D. How often 83. I try to go jogging at least three times A. the week B. of the week C. a week D. of a week 84. Did you come here foot? A. on B. in C. by D. for 85. I have to weight, I’m too fat. A. drop B. gain C. loose D. lose 86. While I TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching 87. Laura in Boston. 6
  7. A. are born B. were born C. was born D. born 88. The man spoke to John is my brother. A. whom B. who C. whose D. which 89. I am looking forward to . you. A. seeing B. see C. to see D. saw 90. Do stop I am doing my homework. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talked 91. You’ll . cook dinner yourself. A. ought to B. must C. may D. have to 92. The earth around the sun. A. moves B. is moving C. moved D. will move 93. He isn’t___get married. A. enough old to B. old enough to C. enough old for D. old enough for 94. We . to go to the market and buy something for dinner. A. must B. should C. ought D. have to 95. Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 1847. A. in B. on C. at D. during 96. I him since last week A. don’t see B. haven’t seen C. won’t see D. didn’t see 97. The boy is a student. He always gets good grades. A. kind B. generous C. hard-working D. reserved 98. He doesn’t enjoy basketball. A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing 99. When my mother was young, she used . very well. A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. sang 100. She is speaking because she has a sore throat. A. soft B. softly C. fast D. fastly PART 2: READING Read each following passage and choose the best answer for questions by bolding the letter A, B, C or D. I. John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he 7
  8. brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy. One evening, a few days before John's eighth birthday, he was saying his prayers in his bedroom before he went to bed. “Please, God.”, he shouted, “make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday”. His mother was in the kitchen and she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly. “Why are you shouting, John?” she asked her son, “God can hear you when you talk quietly.” “I know”, answered the clever boy with a smile, “but Grandfather's in the next room, and he can't.” 1. John was fond of A. candy B. milk C. chocolates D. fruit 2. His mother didn’t give him any chocolates because A. it was good for his teeth B. it damaged his teeth C. it didn’t cause tooth decay D. She was too poor to buy them 3. John often got chocolates from A. his mother B. his grandma C. his grandpa D. his father 4. His mother let John eat chocolates he got from his grandfather A. to please the old man. B. to please herself. C. to please the boy. D. to please her husband. 5. What did he pray to God before his eighth birthday? A. He asked for good luck. B. He wanted his grandfather to give him chocolates. C. He begged God to make him a big box of chocolates. D. He wished for some money to buy chocolates. 6. Why did he shout when he was praying? A. So that God can hear it. B. So that his mother could hear him. C. So that his grandfather could hear him. D. Because his grandfather was deaf. 7. Which sentence is not true according to the passage? A. John liked chocolates. B. He wanted a big box of chocolates for his birthday. C. His mother was too poor to give him a big box of chocolates. 8
  9. D. His mother thought that chocolates were bad for his teeth. II. People like sports. Football seems to be the most popular game in England. Young and old people are all fond of watching it. Important matches often take place at weekends. As soon as the game begins, people start shouting and cheering for one side or the other. Some even begin throwing things and fighting. They only stop doing those things when the game finishes. 1. What is the most popular game in England? - A. Football B. Basketball C. Volleyball D. Baseball 2. What are people fond of? A. playing football B. watching football C. talking about football D. laughing at football 3. When do important matches take place? - A. At nights B. At noons C. At weekends D. At the end of months 4. What do people start doing when the game begins? - . A. Laughing at one side B. Fighting against one side C. Watching one side D. Shouting and cheering for one side 5. When do they stop doing those things? - A. When the game begins B. When the second half starts C. When the game finishes D. After the first half III. Prague has a population of over one million people. It is not the biggest city in Europe, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful. It lies on seven hills on the banks of the River Vitava. Fifteen bridges cross the river. The most famous is Charles Bridge. The bridge joins Prague Castle and the old town. The view of the Castle from the river is famous. Some people call Prague “The golden City” and “The Mother of Cities” because it still has many beautiful medieval buildings and statues. Perhaps the most beautiful building is the Old Town Hall with its amazing 15th century astronomical clock. People also call Prague “Europe’s School of music”. There are many concert halls and every May there is a famous music Festival “Prague Spring”. There are also twenty theatres and many old pubs, wine bars, and restaurants. There is now a modern underground, but traffic is still a problem. It is often better to walk and feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets. 1. Prague lies . 9
  10. A. on 7 hills B. on the left bank of the river C. on 15 bridges D. on the right bank of the river 2. The most famous building in Prague was . A. Prague Castle B. Old Town Hall C. Charles Bridge D. Europe’s School 3. “Prague Spring” is the name of . A. a castle B. a bridge C. a school D. a festival 4. The writer advises us to on Prague’s streets. A. cycle B. drive C. go by underground D. go on foot 5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Prague is the biggest city in Europe. B. Prague is one of the prettiest cities in Europe. C. Prague is called “The Mother of Cities”. D. Prague is famous for its music. IV. Mr. Brown was a teacher at a school in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well. But one day Mr. Brown said to one of his friends, “I’m going to have a holiday in Athens. But I don’t speak Greek, so I will go to evening classes and have Greek lessons for a month before I go.” He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to Greece. When he came back a few weeks later, his friend asked him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”. “No, I didn’t have any trouble with it,” answered Mr. Brown, “But the Greek did!” 1. Why did Mr. Brown have Greek lessons? A. Because he likes evening classes B. Because he wanted to visit Greece C. Because he did not like French and German D. Because he wanted to find a job 2. How long did Mr. Brown study Greek? A. a few weeks B. one year C. two months D. a month 10
  11. 3. How long did Mr. Brown stay in Greece? A. one year B. a few weeks C. two years D. a month 4. What did the Greek have trouble with? A. Mr. Brown’s Greek B. Mr. Brown’s friends C. Mr. Brown’s holiday D. Mr. brown’s wife 5. It can be inferred (suy ra) from the passage that during Mr. Brown’s stay in Greece, he spoke Greek very A. fluently B. clearly C. badly D. quickly V. Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language, in film, on television, in the office, or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language Learning another language! Learning English! Why do all these people want to learn English? Is it difficult to answer that question? Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and Mathematics and English (In England, or America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language, which is English, and Mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German, or Spanish) Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 1. According to the writer, A. only adults learn English B. no children like learning English C. English is only useful to teenagers D. English is popular in much of the world 2. Many people learn English by . A. watching videos only B. hearing the language in the office C. working hard on their lessons D. talking with the film stars 3. Many boys and girls learn English because . A. English can give them a job B. It is included in their study courses 11
  12. C. their parents make them D. they have to learn their own language 4. In America or Australia many school children study . A. such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish B. English as a foreign language C. English and Mathematics only D. their own language and no foreign language 5. Many adults learn English because A. their work is useful B. they want to go abroad C. most of their books are in English D. it helps them in their work Read the text below and choose the best words for the spaces bolding the letter A, B, C or D I. At some of saddest moments in my life, I have depended .(1) . two kinds of friends to help me. Neither has ever let me down. One is books; the (2) . is dogs. This .(3) . not meant to insult my human friends, some of whom I depended on heavily, and all of .(4) . I love. But, as we all learn sooner or .(5) ., people can’t always be with you when we need them. Sometimes they have problems and cannot help you. .(6) . when they are there to hold your relationship, they cannot take (7) your unhappiness. But books can and also .(8) . dogs. 1. A. in B. at C. on D. up 2. A. other B. else C. difference D. another 3. A. does B. has C. did D. is 4. A. him B. us C. it D. them 5. A. late B. later C. soon D. sooner 6. A. Even B. In C. At D. On 7. A. on B. of C. off D. out 8. A. cannot B. could C. couldn’t D. can II. Last Monday, William Murphy saw (1) . wallet on a lonely street .(2) . Montreal. He .(3) . it up and found a ticket inside. He noticed the number on the ticket and immediately realized that it was the .(4) . ticket in a lottery. The prize .(5) . seven million pounds. 12
  13. Murphy did not collect .(6) . huge prize. He took the ticket back to the owner, Mr Dupont. Yesterday Mr Dupont got the prize and at .(7) . gave Murphy a million dollars .(8) . a reward. “ I have never won a lottery before.” He .(9) . the reporters. “ Now I .(10) . rich and I want to reward honestly.” 1. A. a B. an C. the D. N/A 2. A. from B. in C. on D. at 3. A. picked B. take C. pick D. taking 4. A. win B. won C. winning D. winner 5. A. was B. is C. be D. is being 6. A. a B. an C. the D. these 7. A. once B. one C. ones D. one’s 8. A. with B. of C. as D. by 9. A. tells B. told C. tell D. is telling 10. A. becomes B. become C. is becoming D. became III. Cartoon films have very few limits. If you can draw something, you can .(1) it move on the cinema screen. The use .(2) new ideas and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting again for people of .(3) . ages. By the .(4) . of the 1970s, the cinema world decided that cartoons were only for children. But soon .(5) . one or two directors had some new ideas. They proved that it was possible to make films which both adults and children could .(6) . the fun. However, not .(7) .cartoon film was successful. The Black Caudron, for example, failed mainly because it was too .(8) .for children and too childish for adults. Directors learnt from this .(9) . and the film companies began to make large .(10) . of money again. 1. A. get B. cause C. wish D. make 2. A. for B. of C. with D. by 3. A. more B. other C. all D. these 4. A. end B. finish C. departure D. back 5. A. afterwards B. later C. next D. then 6. A. divide B. add C. mix D. share 7. A. every B. both C. any D. each 8. A. nervous B. fearful C. afraid D. frightening 9. A. damage B. crime C. mistake D. fault 13
  14. 10. amount B. accounts C. numbers D. totals IV. My aunt, Mary was born in England, but now she .(1) . in Perth, Australia. She .(2) .to Australia in 1985 when her husband, my uncle Jack .(3) . She .(4) . 80 years old now, but she still .(5) . She is an artist. She often (6) pictures of cats for birthday cards. She .(7) . cats. She .(8) . twenty- five. She .(9) . painting in 1986. In 1989, she began making and selling birthday cards. A lot of people .(10) them and bought them. 1. A. lives B. lived C. was living D. to live 2. A. were B. was C. went D. visited 3. A. to die B. died C. was died D. had died 4. A. are B. was C. were D. is 5. A. works B. has worked C. to work D. worked 6. A. draw B. draws C. paints D. paint 7. A. hates B. loves C. buys D. looks after 8. A. to have B. have C. has D. is having 9. A. started B. to start C. starting D. starts 10. A. like B. to like C. likes D. liked V. A man always went to the (1) bar at the same time every day and asked for two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two (2) . One day the man (3) the bar said to him, “ Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why don’t you get one big glass (4) ?” The man answered, “ Because I do not like to drink (5) . I drink with my friend.” But a few days (6) the man came in and asked (7) one beer. “ Oh,” said the barman, “ has your friend died?” “ Oh, no,” said the man. “He is very (8) . This beer is (9) him. But I have stopped drinking beer. My doctor doesn’t want me to drink (10) more because it is dangerous for me. 1. A. similar B. same C. different D. familier 14
  15. 2. A. more B. many C. fewer D. much 3. A. in front B. next C. to D. behind 4. A. instead B. there C. here D. for 5. A. only B. alone C. any D. more 6. A. late B. after C. later D. before 7. A. to B. from C. for D. of 8. A. good B. bored C. bad D. well 9. A. for B. to C. from D. of 10. A. so B. much C. too D. any VI. Once a farmer (1) a comfortable life with his family. His chickens laid many eggs which the farmer used to (2) to buy food and clothing for his family. One day, he (3) to collect the eggs and discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg. He shouted excitedly to his wife, “We’re rich! We’re rich!” His wife (4) to him and they both looked at the egg in amazement. The wife wanted more, so her husband decided (5) open all the chickens and find more gold eggs. Unfortunately he couldn’t find any eggs. When he finished all the chickens were dead. There were no more eggs of any kind for the foolish farmer and his greedy wife. 1. A. lived B. live C. lives D. living 2. A. selling B. sell C. sells D. sold 3. A. go B. goes C. went D. is going 4. A. run B. runs C. is running D. ran 5. A. cutting B. to cut C. cut D. A&B 15
  16. BẬC 2 – KHUNG NĂNG LỰC NGOẠI NGỮ VIỆT NAM PART 1. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. Trees won’t grow .there is enough water. A. if B. when C. unless D. as 2. Your new dress at the moment. A. is making B. is being made C. is made D. is being making 3. Marie Curie was born November7, 1867. A. on B. in C. at D. from 4. I feel tired. I think I’ll go and down. A. get B. lie C. lay D. set 5. “You’re really in good shape!” - A. Every day from 5 to 6. B. I always go to the gyms. C. No, I play tennis. D. I usually go by motorbike. 6. Whose phone is that? A. I’m not sure B. It’s not there. C. Wasn’t it? D. It’s the shop. 7. “ Are you tired today?” - “Yes, ” A. I do B. I am C. I don’t D. I am not 8. He chemistry for three years and then he gave it up. A. studied B. studying C. studies D. A and B are correct 9. “Why did you buy this house?” - “It was that I could afford.” A. cheapest B. cheapest one C. the cheapest one D. the most cheapest 10. Hello! . a cake? A. Are you making B. Do you make C. Have you made D. A and C are correct 11. Tom is student in my class. A. fatter B. fattest C. the fattest D. so fat 16
  17. 12. Many of us feel .of the dark. A. frighten B. frightened C. frightening D. to frighten 13. It only Kent 5 minutes to get to the shop. A. lasts B. takes C. gets D. spends 14. I have to go home now. A. Can you? B. It’s still quite early. C. How long was it? D. Please! 15. Today is a great day. The sun is shining and the birds . A. are singing B. are noisy C. sings D. sing 16. Do you want to marry a man with .money? A. many B. a few C. much D. so many 17. Daisy’s mother said “Of .you can!”. A. course B. yes C. indeed D. probably 18. trash over there. A. Don’t throw B. Not throw C. Doesn’t throw D. Can’t throw 19. He often his friends there after school. A. waits B. meets C. goes D. plays 20. My sister for you since yesterday. A. is looking B. was looking C. has been looking D. looked 21. Do you think this is .book? A. the most interesting B. the most interest C. the interesting D. more interesting 22. It was an interesting film that she saw it twice. A. so B. very C. too D. such 23. of the countries near France are particularly popular areas for travellers. A. Most B. Almost C. Most all D. Mostly 24. If motorists more careful, there would be fewer accidents. A. are B. will be C. would D. were 25. Mary’s mother wanted to a cake. A. bake B. make C. cook D. do 26. her almost two hours to drive from the city centre to the river. 17
  18. A. It spent B. She spent C. It took D. She took 27. He has left for Paris, ? A. hasn’t he B. has he C. does he D. doesn’t he 28. What do you use that box ? A. of B. with C. on D. for 29. I’m looking forward to her next time. A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing 30. She doesn’t want to stay at home today, .? A. does she B. doesn’t she C. will she D. did she 31. What would you like to do at the weekend? - A. I’d like to do a lot B. I can’t do it C. I’d like to do D. I don’t like the weekend 32. I like going to live shows and my brothers. A. so do B. neither does C. so is D. neither do 33. Dickcan swim and . A. so I can B. I can’t C. so can I D. I can 34. The baby’s getting everyday. A. biggest and biggest B. more biggest C. more and more bigger D. bigger and bigger 35. “Has she finished her exerciser yet?” – “No, she ” A. haven’t B. hasn’t C. isn’t D. doesn’t 36. Those dancers performed so . A. beautiful B. beauty C. beautifully D. beautified 37. That is the doctor is a famous singer. A. whose daughter B. whom daughter C. who daughter D. whose has daughter 38. I learned that college in 1900. A. found B. was found C. founded D. had been found 39. When I got home I found that the baby in the living room. A. slept B. was sleeping C. has slept D. had been sleeping 40. “Has Mary got any plans for the weekend?” - “Yes, she her relatives” 18
  19. A. visited B.is going to visit C. is visit D. will visit 41. By the time next summer, you . your studies. A. completes B. will complete C. are completing D. will have completed 42. John says there is a lot information on the internet. A. certain B. useful C. beautiful D. sure 43. .milk does your father drink? A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often 44. What time .you tomorrow? A. is she going to visit B. does she visit C. she does visit D. she visits 45. I will talk to him when he .here tomorrow. A. comes B. will come C. has come D. had come 46. Every day I . up at 6 o’clock . breakfast at seven o’clock and for work at eight o’clock. A. get – eat - leave B. have got – eating - leaving C. got – ate - left D. will get – have eaten - left 47. David was always busy with his work, .? A. isn’t he B. is he C. wasn’t he D. was he 48. When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker . and the audience A. just finished - were clapping B. had just finished - had clapped C. had just finished - were clapping D. just finished - had clapped 49. How often do you play badminton?” - A. No. I sometimes do. B. Yes. I often do. C. About three times a week. D. Often I don’t do. 50. We can’t go along here because the road . A. is repairing B. is repaired C. repairs D. is being repaired 51. The story I have just read Agatha Christie. A. was written B. was written by C. wrote by D. was written from 52. All bottles before transportation. A. frozen B. were froze C. were frozen D. are froze 19
  20. 53. We by a loud noise during the night. A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up 54. I still can’t believe it. My bicycle last night. A. was stolen B. had been stolen C. stole D. was being stolen 55. I Quang Ngai before I moved to KomTum A. have been living B. have lived C. had lived D. had been living C. No, I play tennis. D. I usually go by motorbike. 56. That’s the woman to Jim used to be married. A. who B. whom C. which D. that 57. I talked to a woman car had broken down on the way to the party. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 58. There are too many poor people do not have enough to eat in the world. A. whose B. whom C. who D. which 59. My mouth is burning! This is spicy food that I don’t think I can finish it. A. such B. so C. very D. too 60. She has the ugliest dog I A. have ever seen B. have never see C. ever D. never saw 61. Mary and Daisy are talking about their favourite fashion. Mary: What is your favourite type of clothing? Daisy: A. Uniforms make us alike in the schoolyard. B. They often wear T-shirts on the weekend. C. I know jeans are made from cotton. D. Baggy pants. They’re so comfortable. 62. It’s possible . a train across Canada. A. take B. to take C. taking D. to be taken 63. She suggested . to music. A. listening B. listen C. to listen D. listened 64. The flowers should in a cool place. 20
  21. A. be kept B. keep C. be keeping D. kept 65. Yuri Gagarin was the first person into space. A. has travelled B. travel C. travelling D. to travel 66. Vinh Long, . I visited recently, has grown to a very rich city over the past ten years. A. that B. which C. where D. who 67. If he had more time, he ___ a Business English course. A. takes B. took C. would take D. will take 68. You better be careful not to miss the train. A. would B. had C. should D. did 69. I've never eaten this food before. A. It's the first time I've eaten this food. B. It's the most tasty food I've ever eaten. C. I've never eaten such a good food before. D. The food is so good that I've never eaten before. 70. It was to see him again. A. wonder B. wonderful C. wonderfully D. more wonder 71. While I this morning, I lost my money. I don't know how. A. shopped B. was shopping C. am shopping D. shopping 72. Last week the police Alan in his car because he at over eighty miles an hours. A. stoped/ drove B. was stopping/ driving C. stopped/ was driving D. stopped/ drove 73. What's that smell? - Something in the kitchen. A. are burnt B. are burning C. burns D. is burning 74. If we don't stop down trees, forests A. to cut/ will disappear B. cutting/ disappear C. cutting/ would disappear D. cutting/ will disappear 75. He often to the zoo on Sunday when he was a boy. A. goes B. was going C. went D. is going 76. How many lessons up to now? A. are you studying B. did you study C. you have studied D. have you studied 21