Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 3

docx 6 trang Viên Minh 15/07/2023 7100
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Nội dung text: Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 3

  1. Câu 1: I think it’s useful to write anoutline of your essay before you start to write the first draft. A. Interestingly, B. Definitely, C. Personally, Câu 2: The of dark red spots is one of the first signs of the disease. A. appearance B. appearing C. appear Câu 3: Either the physicians or the chief administrator going to make a decision. A. is B. are Câu 4: my boss or my sisters in the uniongoing to win this grievance? A. Is B. Are Câu 5: Some of the votes to have been miscounted. A. seem
  2. B. seems Câu 6: The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring more than just a nuisance. A. are B. is Câu 7: Everyone selected to serve on this jury to be willing to give up a lot of time. A. have B. has Câu 8: Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, A. presents B. present Câu 9: He seems to forget that there things to be done before he can graduate. A. are B. is Câu 10: There to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood. A. have B. has
  3. Câu 11: Some of the grain to be contaminated. A. appear B. appears Câu 12: Three-quarters of the students against the tuition hike. A. is B. are Câu 13: Three-quarters of the student body against the tuition hike. A. is B. are Câu 14: A high percentage of the population voting for the new school. A. is B. are Câu 15: A high percentage of the people voting for the new school. A. was B. were Câu 16: Carlos is the only one of thosestudents who lived up to thepotential described in the yearbook.
  4. A. has B. have Câu 17: The Club, as well as the Society andthe Club, to submit aconstitution. A. need B. needs Câu 18: One of my best friends an extra on Seinfeld thisweek. A. are B. is Câu 19: Not only the students but also theirinstructor been called A. have B. has Câu 20: Most of the milk gone bad. Six gallons of milk still in there frigerator. A. has - are B. have - is Câu 21: Each and every student and instructorin this building for a newfacility. A. hope B. hopes
  5. Câu 22: The students and instructors each for a new facility by next year. A. hopes B. hope Câu 23: Rice and beans, my favorite dish, me of my native Puerto Rico. A. remind B. reminds Câu 24: A large number of voters still along straight-party lines. A. votes B. vote Câu 25: Four years a long time tospend away from your friends and family. A. are B. is Câu 26: Politics sometimes a dirtybusiness. A. are B. is Câu 27: To an outsider, the economics of this country to be in disarray. A. seem
  6. B. seems Câu 28: Mark at the party last night. A. were happy B. happy was C. was happy D. was he happy Câu 29: a lot in the mountains. A. Snows it B. Is snowing C. It snows D. Snowing is Câu 30: Sarah and her husband the movies last Saturday. A. Was going B. went to C. they went D. went they to