Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 10

docx 7 trang Viên Minh 15/07/2023 7960
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Nội dung text: Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 10

  1. Câu 1: Wine grapes. A. is made by B. is made from C. Either could be used here. Câu 2: The bridge A. is still built B. is still being built Câu 3: These shoes of leather. A. are made B. were made Câu 4: I can’t see it- it must A. have been taken B. be taken Câu 5: Their house last week. A. was bought B. has been bought
  2. Câu 6: Do you think the project by Friday? A. will be finished B. is finished Câu 7: The tablets with food. A. must take B. must be taken Câu 8: It by courier this morning. A. was sent B. is sent Câu 9: It with at the moment A. is dealt B. is being dealt Câu 10: It last week. A. should be done B. should have been done Câu 11: It Mexico. A. is imported to
  3. B. is imported from Câu 12: It next week. A. is been published B. is being published Câu 13: It by next Friday. A. has to be done B. has been done Câu 14: She promoted again. A. has been B. is Câu 15: They are by the police at themoment. A. questioned B. being questioned Câu 16: Since the first space mission many communication satellites A. was launched B. are launched C. have been launched
  4. D. had been launch Câu 17: The day before yesterday we a very bad storm. A. had had B. were having C. had D. have had Câu 18: By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the offer A. will cancel B. will have been cancelled C. will be cancelling D. will have been cancel Câu 19: Yesterday Pete a ticket for speeding. A. was given B. gave C. was gave D. had been given Câu 20: Before leaving camp, the Boy Scouts the fire. A. were put out
  5. B. had been put out C. put out D. had putted out Câu 21: Steve has recently had his poetry A. be publish B. publish C. to publish D. published Câu 22: In a few months, the firm its production. A. is increased B. will be increasing C. will be increased D. has increasing Câu 23: She complains that she headaches. A. has frequently had B. has been frequently C. has frequently D. had frequently been had
  6. Câu 24: New officers by our club when we hold our next meeting. A. will be elected B. are electing C. will elect D. was elected Câu 25: Brigette thinks her dress is a little too long, so she plans to get it A. shorten B. shortened C. to have shortened D. being shortened Câu 26: Tropical fruits by farmers in the lowland region. A. are grown B. grown C. are growing D. grow Câu 27: Concert tickets at the box office. A. is selling B. sold C. are sold
  7. D. is sold Câu 28: Marilyn her car to a friend because she couldn't drive. A. were selling B. sold C. was sold D. were sold Câu 29: We all the windows last weekend. A. washed B. were washed C. was washing D. wash Câu 30: The new bridge before the end of next month. A. will be completed B. will complete C. is completed D. completes