Tài liệu ôn thi tuyển dụng công chức năm 2021 - Môn: Tiếng Anh

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Nội dung text: Tài liệu ôn thi tuyển dụng công chức năm 2021 - Môn: Tiếng Anh

  1. TÀI LIỆU ÔN KỲ THI TUYỂN DỤNG CÔNG CHỨC TỈNH QUẢNG NINH NĂM 2021 Môn: Tiếng Anh Hình thức: Thi trắc nghiệm A LANGUAGE POINTS Parts of speech Verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, preps, conjunctions, articles, determiners & quantifiers Verb tenses The active voice The passive voice Reported speech Infinitives Gerunds Modal verbs Conditional sentences Clauses Dependent and independent clauses Relative clauses Adverbial clauses Noun clauses Reduced clauses Others Reproted speech Causative forms Subjunctives Comparisons B BRIEF DESCRITIPTIONS OF SKILLS TESTED Reading Section 1: Multiple choice (English in conversation) Section 2: Multiple choice (Reading comprehension) Section 3: Multiple choice (Cloze text) Writing: 1
  2. Multiple choice (Sentence completion without changing meaning of the original ones). B PRACTICE EXCERCISES SECTION 1 READING Part 1 Exercise 1 Complete the five conversations. For conversations 6-10, write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1 John’s broken this plate. A. That’s very good. B. Here you are C. It doesn’t matter. D. You are welcome 2 Is this your watch? A. It’s three o’clock. B. I think it’s Dave’s. C. I’m sorry I’m late. D. No, I can’t. 3 Can I have a sandwich? A. Yes, of course. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, that’s right. D. Yes, they are. 4 How many people were there in the café? A. Not much. B. A few. C. A little. D. Very little. 5 We’re from London. A. Not at all. B. Yes, please. C. How interesting. D. Oh, sorry. Exercise 2 Complete the five conversations. For conversations 6-10, write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6 Hello, Sue. This is my boss, Mrs. Smith. A. How old is she? 2
  3. B. How much is it? C. How do you do! D. How are your family? 7 Tell Ben to come upstairs. A. That’s right. B. All right. C. Is that right? D. That’s not right. 8 Have you got a ticket? A. At the ticket office B. Here it is. C. Yes, please. D. No, I have. 9 Let’s go to Brighton tomorrow. A. What a pity! B. OK. Why not? C. It doesn’t matter. D. I don’t mind. 10 Can I open the window, please? A. You don’t. B. It isn’t. C. Of course. D. Shall we? Exercise 3 Complete the five conversations. For conversations 6-10, write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 11 John’s going to London. A. Often? B. Yesterday? C. By train? D. That’s bad. 12 When do you study? A. At school. B. In the evenings. C. In the library. D. Not everyday. 13 Do you like my new shoes? A. Where did you buy them? B. How long are they? 3
  4. C. Would you like them? D. I sale shoes. 14 Be careful. A. Thank you. B. I will. C. What a pity. D. Perfect. 15 I hate basketball. A. You are, too. B. It can, too. C. I do, too. D. Neither do I. Part 2 Exercise 1 Read the following passage. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1 4
  5. 2 3 4 5 Exercise 2 Read the following passage. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 5
  6. 1 2 3 4 6
  7. 5 Part 3 Exercise 1 Complete the following text by choosing a letter A, B C or D. Exercise 2 Complete the following text by choosing a letter A, B C or D. 7
  8. SECTION 2 WRITING Exercise 1 Complete the following sentences by choosing a letter A, B, C or D so that it has similar meaning to the original one. 1 The new shopping centre has been open for a week The new shopping centre a week ago A was opening B had been opening C was open D would be open. Was opened: 8
  9. 2 We spent half an hour driving to the centre. half an hour to drive to the centre. A We took it B It took we C It took us D We take it. 3 The car park had five lifts. There was five car lifts car park. A on the B in the C above the D under the 4 The first shop was so big that we got lost in it. We got lost in the shop . so big. A because it is B because it was C but it was D but it is. 5 It was 4.30 pm when we left the centre. We didn’t leave the centre 4.30pm. A because it was B because it is C until it was D until it is. Exercise 2 Complete the following sentences by choosing a letter A, B, C or D so that it has similar meaning to the original one. 1 The new sopping centre has been open for a week The new shopping centre a week ago A was opening B had been opening C was open D would be open. 2 We spent half an hour driving to the centre. half an hour to drive to the centre. A We took it B It took we 9
  10. C It took us D We take it. 3 The car park had five lifts. There was five car lifts car park. A on the B in the C above the D under the 4 The first shop was so big that we got lost in it. We got lost in the shop . so big. A because it is B because it was C but it was D but it is. 5 It was 4.30pm when we left the centre. We didn’t leave the centre 4.30pm. A because it was B because it is C until it was D until it is. Exercise 1 Complete the following sentences by choosing a letter A, B, C or D so that it has similar meaning to the original one. 1 My appointment with Dr Gibson is at ten o'clock. At ten o'clock I . an appointment with Dr Gibson. A having B am having C will D will have 2 The office is Dr Gibson's. The office Dr Gibson. A belongs to B is belonging to C belongs at D is belonging at 3 Dr Gibson told me to take off my shoes and socks. Dr Gibson said: 'Please take and socks off.' A my B her C your D his 4 'It would be a good idea to take more exercise.' 'You really . to take more exercise.' A must B had 10
  11. C may D need 5 I was given some information about a local gym. The hospital . some information about a local gym. A gives me B gave its C gave me D gives its The end 11