Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 13

docx 9 trang Viên Minh 15/07/2023 8180
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Nội dung text: Đề thi công chức môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 13

  1. Câu 1: Neil Armstrong was the first person .on the moon. A. has walked B. to walk C. walks D. walks to Câu 2: I want to buy the house the end of the street. A. to be B. is C. is at D. at Câu 3: The fruit in this area is really delicious. A. grows B. grown C. is growing D. grow Câu 4: That girl .in the corner looks lonely, A. is sitting B. sat
  2. C. sitting D. sits Câu 5: Ivan was the last person at the party. A. to arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. was arriving Câu 6: I read the book seeing the movie A. by the time B. as soon as C. before D. behind Câu 7: Jane fell asleep she was watching TV. A. before B. again C. while D. soon Câu 8: It’s been snowing last night.
  3. A. as soon as B. while C. by the time D. since Câu 9: Feed the dog you get home. A. soon B. as soon as C. as soon D. sooner than Câu 10: Cindy usually gels up early and works tor an hour . breakfast. A. while B. before C. when D. as soon as Câu 11: I fett better talking to you. A. by the time B. as soon C. after D. later
  4. Câu 12: I spent a lot of money I went to the grocery store. A. when B. on C. by D. from Câu 13: John has seemed more relaxed he moved to the country. A. from B. by C. on D. since Câu 14: ___ Richard got home, he called Lisa. A. While B. Time C. As soon as D. By Câu 15: Please wash the dishes .dinner. A. as soon as B. when C. after
  5. D. on Câu 16: I take a vacation with my family. A. always B. yearly C. daily D. never Câu 17: Exercise is important for your health so you should exercise A. daily B. usually C. annually D. yearly Câu 18: Tina doesn’t like coffee so she drinks it A. always B. weekly C. often D. never Câu 19: Jack is a busy man who . A. always
  6. B. daily C. rarely D. yearly Câu 20: My children enjoy soccer, which the .play on weekends A. often B. rarely C. seldom D. never Câu 21: Our office has a meeting every Friday because It's important to meet A. annually B. weekly C. monthly D. daily Câu 22: I like to read the newspaper, but I don’t have time to read it. A. daily B. never C. usually D. weekly
  7. Câu 23: It's cheaper to buy things on sale A. always B. never C. daily D. monthly Câu 24: Sarah is a lazy-student who doesn’t do her homework. A. daily B. never C. usually D. monthly Câu 25: Don’t forget to pay your rent A. monthly B. never C. usually D. seldom Câu 26: Temperature, the simplest weather element to measure, is probably . used than any other kind of data. A. more frequently B. most frequently
  8. C. as frequently D. frequently Câu 27: When young male drivers have their friends in the car, their driving becomes A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst Câu 28: Soda has a bitter taste than other soft liquids but it is people. A. healthier for B. healthier than C. as healthy as D. more healthy than Câu 29: The foods that contain are made of animal fat whereas vegetables have the least energy. A. as much energy as B. the more energy C. the most energy D. more energy than
  9. Câu 30: Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were Galileo and Newton. A. important than B. the most important C. as important as D. more important than those of