Giáo án chương trình giáo dục Tiểu học môn Tiếng Anh

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Nội dung text: Giáo án chương trình giáo dục Tiểu học môn Tiếng Anh

  1. MễN TIẾNG ANH TIẾT 1: Unit 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 1: Getting started: Monday in the playground I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can listen and read for specific information then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic Traffic as well as the usage of “How” to ask about means of transport. II. Language contents A. New Words B. Grammar: - The simple present, the present progressive C. Skills: - Main skills: listening, speaking, - Integrated skills: reading and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up. - T introduces the topic “ Traffic” - Answer in individully/ chorus. - T asks: How/ By what means do you go to school every day? On foot? By bicycle? By bus? On your parents’ motorbike? What means of transport is faster? What mean is safer? What means do you like most? Why? What can you see on the way to school every day? 1. Getting started - Who are Mai and Oanh? a. Choose the correct - What may they talk about? answer. + Play the recording. Ss 1. B 2. A 3. B listen and read. 4. C 2. Activities. b. Answer the following 1-a: Ss work independently questions. or in pairs to choose the 1. She played with her
  2. correct answer to the brother/ stayed at home. questions. T then checks 2. It’s about 2 kilometers. their answers, and gives 3. She usually goes to explaination if necessary. school with her dad. b- Ss work in pairs. T lets 4. Because sometimes there them check the answers in are traffic jams pairs or groups, then gives 5. She goes to school by the keys. If there’s time, bike. call some pairs to read the c. Can you find the questions and give answers. following in the c- Colloquial expressions. conversation? Do you know Tell Ss to refer back to what they mean? the conversation to find 1. to have someone’s the phrases. Ss practise attention. saying them together ( T 2. when you strongly plays the recording again support or agree with if necessary). Explain the something. meaning to the Ss, then 3. very excited and keen to give some examples. do something. d. Ask Ss to role-player d. Work in pairs. Make the short conversations in short role-plays with the pairs before creating their expressions above. Then short role-plays. More able practice them. Ss can try to extend the Example: - How about conversation. cycling to school with me tomorrow? - Great idea! 2. Means of transport. Write the words using the first letter given. 1. bike/ bicycle 2. bus 3. plane 2. Ss work in pairs and 4. boat write the means of 5. ship transport under the right 6. train pictures. Then T lets Ss 7. motorbike read each word correctly. 8. car Check and correct their 3. Match a verb on the pronunciation. left with a means of transport on the right. There may be more than one correct answer. 1. ride a bike 2. drive a car 3. fly by plane 4. sail on/ in a boat 3. Ss work individually to 5. get on/ get off a bus/ a
  3. do the task, and write train/ a bike/ a motorbike. their answers in their 4. Find someone in your notebooks. T checks their class who never. answers. - How often do you walk to school/ go to school by bus? - Do you (often walk to school/ go to school by bus? 4. Let Ss stand up and go round the class to ask everyone the question: Ss have to take notes, and then some of them report their result to the class. 3. Homework - Learn new words and phrases - Prepare A closer look 1. TIẾT 2: UNIT 7 – TRAFFIC Lesson 5 – Skills 1 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can read for specific information about traffic rules/ laws and talk about obeying traffic rules/ laws, and how to use the road safely. II. Language contents A. Skills: - Main skills: reading, speaking, - Integrated skills: listening and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up - Chatting: Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? 2. Activities.
  4. READING I- Reading. 1. T tells Ss to look at 1. Look at the picture. Can the picture and say why it you see anything that is is dangerous. dangerous? Example: It is dangerous to ride a motorbike on the pavement. 2. Now match these words to 2. Ss work in pairs to do make common expressions. the matching. T checks 1. g 2. d 3. b 4. their results. c Then T asks Ss which they 5. a 6. h 7. f can see in the picture in 8.e 1. 3. Answer the following 3. Ss work in group. Tell question. them to answer the - not pay attention question: - not look around When you are a road user, - not go in red light, what should you Not do? + Make a list. Then they make a list to compare with other groups. T may give some cues: not 4. Read the following text pay attention, not look and do the tasks below. around, go in red light, . 4. Tell Ss to read the passage two or three times. Set a strist time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for 5. Answer these question. specific information. 1. We should cross the Explain the new words and street at the zebra clarify anything difficult. crossing. T may ask questions to see 2. He/ She must always if Ss understand the fasten the seabelt. passage. 3. No, He/ She shouldn’t. 5. Ask Ss to read the Because it is dangerous.( passage again, than they He/ She may cause an work with a partner to accident.) answer the questions. 4. We must give a signal. 5. Because the other road users can see them clearly and avoid crashing into them. II- Speaking 6. Class survey. Ask your classmates the question. How do you go to school every day? Speaking + Make a list of the means
  5. 6. Ss do the class survey. of transport that is used After that call some Ss to the most, and use the report to the class. least. 7. Read the following sentences. In groups, discuss who is using the 7. Allow some time for Ss road safely, and who is to read individually. Then acting dangerously. Give they work in groups to reasons. discuss who is using the 1. safely raod safely, and who is 2. dangerously ( because he acting dangerously, and is likely to have an give reasons. accident) 3. safely 4. dangerously ( it is difficult for him to see the road properly, and to ride) 5. dangerously ( a car or motorbike may crash into him) 6. dangerously ( She may have an accident if 3. Homework something happeneds - Prepare: Skills 1 unexpectedly.) Board plan I. Reading II. Homework TIẾT 3: UNIT 8 – FILMS Lesson 1 – Getting Started I. Objectives
  6. - By the end of the lesson, students can listen and read about topic “What film shall we see?” and use the lexical items related to the topic “ Films” II. Language contents A. New Words: - horror (adj) ['hɔrə]: rựng rợn, kinh dị - frightening (adj) ['fraitəniŋ]: sợ - romantic (adj) [rəu‟mổntik]: lóng mạn - get shipwrecked (v) /‟ʃipreck /: bị đắm tàu - star (v) [star]: cú (diễn viờn ) đúng vai chớnh B. Skills: - Main skills: listening, speaking, - Integrated skills: reading and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up - Write the title on the board “Films”. Elicit any information Ss know about films by asking about types of film they know, the latest films they have seen, their favourite films and film stars. - What the picture might I- Getting started show or what the 1. Listen and read conversation might be a. Read the conversation about. again and and answer the 2. Activities. questions. 1. Ask Ss questiona about 1. b 2. a 3.a the picture: 4. c 5. b - Where are Phong and his sister Mai? What might be happening to them? What are thet doing? What are they talking about? - Can you guess what kind of films Phong and Mai would like to see. - Have you ever gone to see
  7. a film with your brothers/ sisters? When and where? b. Find the questions in What film did you see then? the conversation that ask How did you feel then? about Coconut Crazy. Then - Play the recording. Ss listen, check and repeat listen and repeat. the question. a. First, have Ss work a. What kind of film is it? independently. Then allow b. Who does it star? them to share answers c. What is it about? before discussing as a d. What do critics say class. about it? b. First, Ask Ss not to 2. Match the types of films look at the book and try to with their definitions. remember what questions Mai Then listen, check and asks Duong about the film repeat. they are going to see. Then 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. c let Ss open their books and 5. b 6. e 7. h 8.g check their answers. 3a. Think of a film. Fill in the blank below. 2. Have Ss quickly match Type of film . the types of film with Actors/ stars . their definitions. Then The plot play the recording for Ss Reviews to check their answers. b. In pairs, interview each - Do you often see a sci- other and try to guess the fi/ horror film ? film. 3a. Have Ss work Example: independently, filling in A: What kind of film is it? the table with the B: It’s an action film information of the film A: Who does it satr? they have seen recently. B: It stars Daniel Craig. Remind them to use the A: What is it about? words and phrases they have B: It’s about a spy called learnt in 2 and from the 007. conversation in 1. A: Is it Skyfall? b. First, model this B: Yes! activity with a more able Ss. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help weaker Ss. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class.
  8. 3. Homework - Have ss learn and write the new words. - Have ss prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 1 TIẾT 4: UNIT 8 – FILMS Period 66 – Lesson 2 – A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can use the lexical items related to the topic “Films”; know the meaning and how to use – ed and –ing adjectives and pronounce correctly the – ed ending in verbs. II. Language contents A. New Words: B. Skills: - Main skills: listening, speaking, - Integrated skills: reading and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up Chatting: Do you know the adjectives which are often used to describe films? 2. Activities I- Vocabulary VOCABULARY 1. The following are 1. First, hace Ss work adjectives which are often
  9. independently. Then, ask used to describe films. Can them to share their you add some more? answers with one or more 1. hilarious 2. partners. With weaker moving class, ask for translation 3. boring 4. of some adjectives in the gripping box to check their 5. shocking 6. scary understanding. Ask Ss to 7. violent 8. make some examples with entertaining the adjectives they have * Remember: -ed and –ing learnt. adjectives Remember: -ed and – ing adjectives Ask Ss to study the 2. Complete the table with Remember Box. the –ed and –ing forms of 2. Have Ss compare the the adjectives. table individually. Then 1. interested 2. have some Ss write their embarrassing answers on the board 3. exciting 4. before checking with the disappointed whole class. 5. exhausted 6. surprising 7. confused 8. 3. Ask Ss to do the frightening exercise individually and 3. Choose the correct then check with the whole adjectives. class. When checking, ask 1. moving 2. Ss to refer to the frightened Remember Box to make the 3. disappointed 4. amazed meanings of the adjectives 5. terrified clearer to them. 1. (a+b) First, model this 4a. Work in pairs. Look at activity with some more the questions below. Tell able Ss. Then, ask Ss to your partner how you felt, work in pairs. T may go using –ed adjectives. around to help weaker Example: I felt terrified Ss. Call some pairs to before my last Maths test. practise in front of the 4b. Now use –ing adjectives class. to describe these things and experiences in your life. Example: The last film I saw was called Norwegian Wood. It was really moving. II- Pronunciation PRONUNCIATION 5. Listen and repeat the 5. T models the sounds /t/ verbs. Pay attention to the /d/, and /id/ in different sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ at
  10. words with the ending –ed. the end of each verb. Play the recording and ask /t/ /d/ /id/ Ss to listen and repeat watched waited played the words, paying danced needed bored attention to the sounds walked hated closed /t/, /d/, and /id/ at the end of each word. T may play the recording as many * Remember: times as necessary. Then, ask Ss to put the words in the correct columns while they listen. Ss compare 6. Work in pairs. Ask and their answers in pairs. T answer questions about the checks. pictures. Then listen to the Remember: Ask Ss to look recording. at the rules in the Example:cry a lot/ laugh a remember Box. Tell them lot the rules of A: He cried a lot, didn’t pronunciation. he? 6. First, model this B: No, he didn’t. He laughed activity with a more able a lot. Ss. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help - Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. T checks pronunciation. 3. Homework - Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 2 Board plan I. Vocabulary II. Pronunciation III. Homework
  11. TIẾT 5: UNIT 8 – FILMS Lesson 5 – Skills 1 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can read for specific information about someone‟s review of his/her favourite film and talk about film (its plot, main characters, cast, etc.) II. Language contents A. New Words and phrases: - direct (v): đạo diễn - sink (v): chỡm - disaster (n): thảm họa - must-see (n): phải xem - visual (n): hỡnh ảnh B. Grammar: - Present simple tense. C. Skills: - Main skills: reading, speaking, - Integrated skills: listening and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up (5 mins) Now, look at the picture of the film Titanic. Answer these questions: - Have you ever seen this film? - Do you know who actor and actress in the picture are? - Do you like him/her? Why/ Why not? - T calls ss to answer. 2. Activities (38 mins) READING I- Reading 1- Ask Ss to scan the passage to find 1. Read Nick’s review of the film where the words sinking, must-see, Titanic on his blog. Then find and special effects, and visuals are in the underline the words from the box passage. T may help Ss work out the below. What do they mean? meanings of these words out of the sinking: (sự) chỡm, sự đỏnh chỡm context. must-see: bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem special effects: kỹ xảo đặc biệt, hiệu ứng
  12. đặc biệt visuals: thị giỏc, nhỡn 2- T may set a longer time limit for Ss to 2. Read Nick’s blog again and answer read the text again and answer the the questions. questions. Ask Ss to note where they 1. It is a romantic film. found the information that helped them 2. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate to answer the questions. Ss can compare Winslet. answers before discussing them as a 3. It is about the sinking of the ship class. Titanic on its first voyage. 4. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Buckater. Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jumping from the ship. Although they are from different social class and Rose is already engaged, the two fall in love. 5. The ending of Titanic is very sad. 6. They say it is a must-see in the 20th century. SPEAKING II- Speaking 3- First, ask Ss to read every film poster. 3- Look at the film posters below. Work T may help them with the new in pairs. Talk about the films you vocabulary. Then ask Ss to work in would/ wouldn’t like to see. pairs, talking about the films they would/ wouldn‟t like to see. - T may go round to help. - Calls some pairs to practise in front of the class. 4- First, ask Ss to work in pairs, asking 4- Now, ask and answer questions and answering about the films from the about the films. posters. Example: A: I want to see War of the - T may go round to help. Worlds. - Calls some pairs to practise in front of B: What kind of film is it? the class. A: It‟s a science fiction B: What is it about? A: It‟s about . 5- First, remind Ss of the words phrases 5- Hotseating: In groups, choose a about films. Ss may refer to the words student to play the role od a character and phrases they can use to talk about in any of the films above. Brainstorm films. questions you’d like to ask. Then - Ss work in groups; T goes around to interview the student. provide support if necessary. Example questions: - Can you describe your new film in three words? - Did you enjoy making the film? - Why should we watch this film? 3. Homework (2 mins) - Do exercise part D in workbook
  13. TIẾT 6: UNIT 9 – FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Lesson 1: Getting Started: The Festival Project I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world” and read for specific information about an unusual festival. II. Language contents A. Grammar: - Review: The past simple tense. B. Skills: - Main skills: listening, speaking, - Integrated skills: reading and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up (5 mins) * Chatting: - Have you ever taken part in a festival? - Name some festivals that you know! - Do you like festivals? Why/ Why not? - T asks ss those questions. Ss can answer in chorus and in individually. 2. Activities (38 mins) 1a: Ss work independently. Allow them 1. Getting started to share answers before discussing as a a. Answer the following questions. class. T then checks their answers, and 1. No, she didn‟t because she said “ Oh gives explanation if necessary. really?” to show her surprise. 2. People light candles and display/ let off fireworks. 3. It‟s La Tomatina 4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party. 5. They should write up reports and hand them in to the teacher. 1b: Ss read the conversation again to do b. Tick (v) T (true) or F (false). this exercise. Ask for Ss‟ answers as 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T
  14. well as the explanation for their choices. 2. Tell Ss that in the box are some 2. Write the festivals in the box under festivals. Ss do this activity in pairs. the pictures. Then listen and repeat. T plays the recording for Ss to listen, 1. Water festival 2. Cannes Film check and repeat their answers. Make Festival sure that Ss pronounce correctly the 3. Ghost Day 4. Tet name of the festivals. 5. Rock in Rio 6. Christmas 7. Halloween 8. Easter 3. Explain to Ss that festivals are held 3. Match the festivals below with the for different reasons. reasons they are held. Ask Ss if they know the meaning of Key: these words. Religious: Halloween, Ghost Day Seasonal (adj) relate to or happening a Music /Arts Rock in Rio, Cannes Film during a period in the year. Festival Religious (adj) connected with religion Seasonal: Tet, Water Festival or with a particular religion. Religious: Christmas, Easter Superstitious (adj) based on the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science. 4. Ss work with classmates and compare 4. Compare your answers with a their answers. T reminds them to follow partner. the model conversation in the box. Example: A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals. B: I agree. A: Which do you think are seasonal festival? B: I think Christmas and Easter. How about you? A: I think Halloween and Ghost day. 5. Organize a competition game for this 5. Can you add more festivals to the activity. groups in 3? 3. Homework (2 mins) - Have ss learn new words and phrases. - Prepare A closer look 1. Board plan I. Getting started II. Activities III. Homework
  15. TIẾT 7: UNIT 9 – FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately. The lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world”. Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation and in context II. Language contents A. Grammar: - adverbial phrases B. Skills: - Main skills: listening and speaking. - Integrated skills: reading and writing. III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up. (5 mins) - T asks Ss some questions about Ss answer: festivals in their home village. 2. Activities. (38 mins) VOCABULARY I- Vocabulary T uses some techniques to present some celebratory (aj) mang tớnh kỷ niệm new words. parade (n) cuộc diễu hành Checking the understanding by making carnival (n) ngày hội sentences with the new words. joyful (aj) vui mừng adopt (v) kế tục pumpkin (n) quả bớ ngụ 1. a. Ss work individually to complete 1. the table and compare their answers with a. Can you complete the table below a partner. with appropriate verbs, nouns and T plays the recording for Ss to check adjectives? their answers. Listen and check your answers. Key: 1. celebration 2. festive 3. parade 4. culture 5. performance b. Have them read all the sentences and b. Now complete the following
  16. guess the part of speech of the word to sentences with the words from the be filled in each blank. table. T comments on and confirms the correct Key: answers. 1. festival 2. celebrate 3. celebrations 4. culture 5. parade 6. performers 2. Ss work in groups, Ss do the activity. 2. In groups, choose a festival. Take They choose one activity and take turn turns to say the festival. to lengthen their sentences by adding the Example: activities. A; I am going to Rio Carnival to watch performers dance. B: I am going to Rio Carnival to watch performers dance, and musicians play samba music. PRONUNCIATION 3. T explains the rules: Look out! In two-syllable words the mark’ represents the stress syllable. - Most nouns and adjs have two syllables: Stress falls on the first T can give some examples to illustrate. syllable. Ss listen and repeat the words. - Most verbs have two syllables: Stress falls on the second syllable. Exceptions: the sound / ə /, / i /, . hardly falling on. Have Ss read out the words first. Then play the recording. Key: Stress on 1st syllable: gather, picture, artist, lovely, famous Stress on 2nd syllable: relax, enjoy, hotel, describe, rename. 4. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others. Then listen and check. Key: 1. balloon 2. complete 3. prepare 4. alone 5. tidy 5. Ss do this exercise individually first 5. Read the following sentences and then compare their answers with a mark partner. “ ’ ” the stressed syllable in the underlined words. 1. „project 2. „dancers 3. a„ttend 4. „answer
  17. 5. „music 3. Homework (2 mins) - Jave ss learn new words and phrases Prepare A closer look 2.
  18. TIẾT 8: UNIT 9 – FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Period 76 – Lesson 5: Skills 1 Date prepared: 10/2/2017 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can read for specific information about an unusual festival and help Ss read quickly (scanning). II. Language contents A. New words - greasy (adj): vấy mỡ, dớnh mỡ - pole (n); cỏi cột - cannon (n): sỳng - jet (n): vũi phun nước - chaos (n): sự lụn xộn B. Grammar: - Past simple. C. Skills: - Main skills: reading, speaking. - Integrated skills: listening and writing. III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. V. Procedure Ss’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up (5’) - In pairs, look at the picture below. They are all from the La Tomatina festival in Spain. Put them in the order you think they happen at the festival. 2. Activities (38’) READING 2. Ss read the text quickly and check 2. Now quickly read the texts below the answers. and check your answers. Key: C – D – A - B - Present the new words in the text. 3. Answer the following questions. 3. Ss read the text again and answer the 1. It is celebrated on the last Wednesday questions. every August. Ss can underline parts of the text that 2. He stayed up late help them with the answers. 3. They placed a ham on top of greasy pole. 4. They had to wear goggles to protect their eyes. 5. It was a jet from water cannon. 6. It was red with rivers of tomato juice.
  19. Speaking 4. Work in groups and read the 4. Ss work in groups and read the newspaper headlines. newspaper headlines. They discuss what is unusual about the festivals. Have some Ss present their group‟s ideas. 5. Choose one festival to teach your 5-6. Tell Ss that the table includes group about. . information about the two festivals in 4. Suggestion questions: Ss work in groups and prepare a short 1. What do they often do at Season presentation about the festival they like. festival? 2. Where do they organize activities? 3. When does the festival take place? 3. Homework (2’) - Prepare: Skills 2
  20. TIẾT 9: UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY Period 82 - Lesson 1- Getting Started: A different type of Footprint I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can + use the lexical items related to the topic "Sources of energy" + have some information about ennergy sources and talk about the different types of energy sources. II. Language contents A. New Words: - source (n): nguồn - footprint (n): dấu chõn - biogas (n): khớ đốt - hydro (n): thủy điện - non-renewable (adj): khụng tỏi tạo B. Grammar: - Present simple tense. C. Skills: - Main skills: listening, reading. - Integrated skills: speaking, writing. III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook - Board, chalk. - A cassette and an audio compact disk. V. Procedure: Sts’ T’s and Sts’ activities Content I. Warm- up (5’) * Networds - Have Ss play games related Solar Gas to the topic - Have Ss read the words 3 times in chorus ENERGY - Ask Ss to describe the picture ( Who, where , what ? ) Oil - Asking some questions - Set the scene A, What types of energy do you know ? - Lead to the new lesson B, Where do they come from ? II. Listen and read (38’) ( renewable & non-renewable ) 1. Act 1 *New words I. New words
  21. - Have ss read the conversation and then T presents the new words in oral and written form. a. Have Ss do Ex1-a II. Act 1a - Guide Ss how to do Ex1 - Call some Ss to give the 1. Listen and read . answer a. Read the conservation again and answer the - provide the answers questions . 1, It‟s about the negative effects we have on the environment . 2, “ Non-renewable energy” means that it will run out if we use it up . 3, Sunlight is a renewable energy because we can‟t use it all up or it will last forever . 4, Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike. 5, The products that we use are bad for the environment or the energy that we use produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint . b. Complete the network below using the b. Have Ss do o Ex1-b information from the conservation . ( Group-work ) SOURCES OF ENERGY - Ask some groups to present Renewable sources Non-renewable their work before the class sources wind Wave solar coal Gas oil 2. Act 2 2. Listen and repeat the words or phrases . - T asks Ss to do Ex2 in chorus Wind Coal Natural gas Nuclear - Call some individuals Biogas oil Hydro Solar - Cross – check 3. Act 3 - T asks Ss to do Ex3 3. Put the words into the correct groups below. (individually) Renewable sources Non-renewable sources - cross – check Wind , coal , hydro Natural gas , biogas , -T provide the keys , nuclear oil, solar 4. Act 4 4. Ask and answer the questions about - T divides the class into 6 renewable and non-renewable resources . groups A: What type of energy source is wind ? - Have Ss make up the B: It‟s a renewable source of energy . dialogues then role-play A: What type of energy source is coal ? - The groups take turns to B: It‟s a non-renewable source of energy . present their dialogue A: - T Listen and feedback III. Homework (2’)
  22. - Have ss learn by heart all the new words. - Copy in notebooks. - Prepare for next lesson. Board plan I. New words II. Getting started III. Homework
  23. TIẾT 10: UNIT 10: SOURCES OF ENERGY Lesson 5 – Skills 1 I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson, students can get some more information about ENERGY SOURCES as well as to talk about their advantages and disadvantages. II. Language contents A. New words - fossil fuel (n.phr): nhiờn liệu - rely on (v): tin vào - generate (v): sinh/ đẻ ra - alternative (adj): thay thế - convert into (v): biến đổi B Grammar: - Simple future tense. C. Skills: - Main skills: reading, speaking, - Integrated skills: listening and writing III. Teaching methods: - A & A, pair work, group work, listening, reading, speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - Textbook. - Board, chalk. V. Procedure: Teacher’s and students’activities Contents I. Warm up (5 mins) * Network a. Class organization wind sun b. Network - Have Ss play game “spider web” - Have ss say in individually. Names of energy sources nuclear water - Set the scene - Lead to the new lesson. - Have Ss work in groups of 4 to 1. Discuss the following questions . discuss the questions. 1, What are the main sources of energy in Viet Nam ? coal , oil, hydro power, 2, What types of energy sources will be used in the future ?